In doing our mutual aid work we have become painfully aware of specific needs both for the community, and for the growth of our own projects. Some have been obvious since the beginning, such as a community kitchen, and meeting space. Others have only revealed themselves after much community organizing such as medical clinics, and […]
Author: blackflowercollective
The Plan
So the plan is two fold, our land would be sectioned into a social center side with community resources, and the other would be a self governed eco village where residents would live and have immediate access to the shared resources of the community. The social center would serve as central hub for food prep […]
Social center co-op
The social center side of our plan , along with most of what we do, centers around preparing and enjoying food together. Our communal kitchen will be busy all day every day making meals for the community. The cafe will be a spot to hang out and eat, jump on a free computer, or grab […]
Media collective
In order to tell the untold stories of our community, it’s challenges and it’s beauty, our social center will also house our media collective, sabot media. We will use these platforms to tell our stories, and to investigate the local politcal machinations that cast such a shadow over our lives. This reporting will be published, […]
Legal Aid collective
Without appropriate models for resolving disputes and achieving real justice we will always be reliant on the cruel and punitive methods of so called justice imposed by the state. In order to keep ourselves and community safe, we must develop our own models of mediation and conflict resolution based in the practices of transformative justice, […]
Housing Union
Another aspect of the social center is the union hall. With housing being one of, if not the most, pressing needs we face, we must have a organization that is focused on changing the conditions by which people obtain and keep housing. We don’t want public housing anymore than we want rent vouchers. We want […]
Eco village campus
Perhaps the biggest project in our plan is the eco village campus. This portion of our land will not be open to the public as it will serve to house any residents who want a spot to live and build. We will surround those wanting to live here with all the assistance they require to […]